Join the members of Congregation Beth Shalom for our annual celebration of joyful song on "Shabbat Shira" ("Sabbath of Song") on Friday evening, January 18, at 8:00 pm. Led by Cantor Hasha Musha Perman and the CBS Festival Choir, Shabbat Shira comes each year when the annual Torah reading reaches Exodus Chapter 15, the famous "Song of the Sea" when the Israelites broke out in a joyful song of gratitude to the Divine on being rescued by the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea. This musical worship service celebrates the journey from slavery to freedom, and will be followed by an Oneg Shabbat, a joyful reception with refreshments in our social hall.
This event is free and all are welcomed. See the following flyer for details, and please feel free to spread the word among your congregations. Congregation Beth Shalom is located at 772 West Fifth Avenue, Naperville. For information, call the synagogue office at 630 961-1818.